Email/Contact phone no: On 22-07-2022 Lynn Jones said: How much would an Austin Devon or Austin Dorset sell for please? Email/Contact phone no: On 16-07-2022 Michael Kerr said: I have a 1939 austin 12, fully restored for sale and was wondering if this would be of any interest to anyone. Many thanks Email/Contact phone no: On 09-07-2022 mr roger tuck said: Hello again, I am after some information. It appears that I have a replacement gold seal engine in my Somerset. I'm assuming it is the 1275cc version, the code is 8G 206. The information I require is (a) the correct spark plugs, (b) plug leads, (c)distributor information and (d) the correct oil filter. Thanks Email/Contact phone no: On 03-07-2022 mr roger tuck said: Hello, I am looking for the rubber boot seal for my A40 Somerset. Longbridge do not stock them. Does anyone have one for sale or know where I can bet one. Thanks, and thanks to Simon Bryant for his help with my fuel tank gasket Email/Contact phone no: On 02-07-2022 Brian Hall said: WANTED GOOD AUSTIN A70 HAMPSHIRE Email/Contact phone no: On 25-06-2022 ray wheadon said: Hi, need a starting handle for my 1953 A40 Somerset. Email/Contact phone no: On 24-06-2022 Robert Smith said: I've recently purchased an Austin 1936 Ascot 12/4 without a starting handle. Can anyone help with this? I'll purchase any handle that'll fit. Thanks Robert Smith. Email/Contact phone no: On 22-06-2022 mr roger tuck said: Hi everyone. I am after a fuel tank gasket for my Somerset, it does not appear on the spares list at Longbridge, so I was wondering if anyone has one they wish to sell, or, does anyone know where I can get one made. Failing all else could silicon seal be used instead. Thanks Email/Contact phone no: or 07391 407013 On 20-06-2022 Simon Bryant said: Austin Eight Front Seats Wanted - must be early type with tubular frame - Any Condition as long as backs are intact. Good Price Paid. Member 1771. Email/Contact phone no: On 20-06-2022 Steve Rayner said: I wish to sell my 1953 Somerset. Excellent condition and runs very well. Recently, new fuel and water pump, carburettor, tyres and tubes, track rod ends. £7500 Ono.Tel: 07597 989 210