Forums General Counties Cars Discussion Austin Somerset Queens Coronation Model?

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    Hello can anybody help me please as I bought an Austin Somerset 2 years ago with the plan of restoring her, I sent off for a heritage certificate which arrived back all good but noticed she was first registered in June 1953 with what I believe to be a Coronation colour called Sandringham Fawn, but also has a Burgundy paint colour (two tone) on the wings. My question is: Was this the correct paint/two tone colour combination as 100% the paint mores so with the Sandringham Fawn looks 100% original, the burgundy colour almost looks original but not sure if somebody later in life did this? My next question is: Did they actually make a Queens Coronation model ?

    Back you on the above points and thank you

    Regards John


    Well what a site, zero answers,club members, know wonder the Somerset is not very well known loved as nobody out there even willing to answer what I thought was a simple question of mine, mmmmm maybe as a Computer Website designer I should set up a better website where moderators/admin do at least read the forums and respond !

    Regards John Davenport MD,D CEO,CIC and a few more.


    John, I’m not even a Counties owner but I’ll try and answer your question based on the A30. The A30 was also introduced in Coronation colours (Windsor Grey, Buckingham Green etc) in April 1953 and ran through to October 1953. Perhaps the 2 tone paintwork is a later addition. Later A30s could be ordered with a different colour roof, as to the Queen receiving a car I don’t know. Incidentally the yahoo austin counties site is quite active!

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