Forums General Counties Cars Discussion Austin Somerset oils

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    Sorry to ask so many questions, but which are the correct grade of oils to put in both the rear axle and gearbox on a Somerset?


    Hi again Malcolm–these are listed in the service manual, which, if you don’t have, can usually be found on e-bay. Perhaps the counties spares might have them for sale.

    What were initially listed though are most likely not now available, but a modern alternative should be. I only have what were originally listed for A70/90 models home models, but I expect they might be the same. Usually, the suppliers listed several brands for each of the various items. Gearbox—–Essolube 40, and Differential—–Esso Expee Compound 140

    However, any modern alternative MUST be suitable for the “YELLOW” metals used in these components.

    Hope this helps–Peter.

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