Early Somersets just has quarter round seals glued into position. Later ones had a channel spot welded round the doors for the “foot” of a seal to slide in to. I used the quarter round stuff that is available for Morris Minor Traveller rear doors available from various MM specialists. For example https://www.sealsdirect.co.uk/shop/srs1913-21466?gad_source=1&gclid=EAIaIQobChMI2-_Uv_XkhgMV_5RQBh2RIQ5SEAQYAyABEgIP6vD_BwE
As for the channel fitting type then COH Baines who have an online profile list.
My doors actually had the metal channels but they were very rusty and non existant in some parts (a real rust trap), so I removed they all with a sharp cold chisel and reverted to the quarter round type after rustproofing the door.
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