Forums General Counties Cars Discussion 1800 B into devon

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    Hi ….has anyone put a 5brg 1800cc B series engine into a column change Devon. I bought this engine that supposidly came out of a sport that had the devon front and rear backplate fitted…but still using the 1800 flywheel for a 8inch clutch. It wont go into my box…flywheel to big…I have a 1622 flywheel…that wont go into my box…too big…and dosent fit  the end of the 1800 crank...spigot to Ive tried the devon flywheel….spigot to big for the crank…I can make a adaptor ring to bridge the difference, but the back of the flywheel will then foul the rear oil seal retaining bkt fitted on this 1800 engine. Any suggestion appreciated…regards Martin. 07976764577



    There’s a 2-part article on our ‘Tech. Articles’ page about how to fit an A60 engine into an A40 (although an A40 Somerset rather than a Devon).

    Personally, I’d stick with the original engine if you can. If you change to a larger, more powerful and significantly heavier engine, as well as the difficulty of shoe-horning it in, you have to think about better brakes, better springs, and better shock absorbers.

    You’d also need to tell any insurer about the change, and they too would be likely to ask about improvements to brakes etc. It’s worth remembering that ‘Counties’ cars didn’t have the later ‘B’ series engines – but we often come across visitors to shows etc. who think they did.


    I think they might have fitted  B series engines to at least some of our vehicles. I have a 1956 Austin A40 commercials , vans and pick ups, “Running and maintenance instructions” manual that clearly shows a later B Series engine (albeit only 1200cc) and describes its slightly different maintenance requirements. The suspension, brakes and shock absorbers appear to be the same as earlier cars.


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