Member Peter Harrison has kindly sent some video footage of some of our cars leaving the Makeney Hall Hotel during the Rally weekend, with some footage of them in situ at the Crich Tramway Village.
You can view the footage here .
The Home of Austin Cars and Light Commercial Vehicles from 1939-54
Member Peter Harrison has kindly sent some video footage of some of our cars leaving the Makeney Hall Hotel during the Rally weekend, with some footage of them in situ at the Crich Tramway Village.
You can view the footage here .
The club held its Annual Rally on Sunday 18th June at the Crich Tramway Village, preceded by a Peak District road run on Saturday 17th, which took in such attractions as The Great British Car Journey, Dave Kingerley’s Longbridge Motor Spares premises, and some very scenic roads (with some challenging gradients!) .
The weekend was greatly enjoyed by all those who attended – whether they were there throughout the weekend at the Makeney Hall Hotel, where a thoroughly enjoyable meal was held on Saturday night, or came along for the main event at Crich on Sunday.
Our thanks must go to John and Elizabeth Reed whose hard work and organisational skills made the weekend the success that it was.
A full report will appear in the next issue of ‘County Counsel’ together with a list of all the prizewinners.
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