The latest copy of Classic Car Weekly newspaper has some excellent coverage of our cars at the NEC Classic Car and Restoration Show on the weekend of 24th – 26th March.
Our cars and Club have 3 separate mentions in this issue alone. You can see snapshots of the articles below.
They are namely the editors snap shot choices at the show – with John Reed’s Car;
John’s Hereford featured again in the Award Winners’ Section and with a team shot;
Finally, a fantastic picture with a large write up on Dave Whyley’s A90 Atlantic on the ‘Lancaster Insurance pride of Ownership’ stand chosen by Nick Larkin and taking the main two pages.
I can see no other club in the paper getting 3 separate article of coverage as we have. So this really is a huge success for us as a Club.
Thanks to all involved and for supplying cars for the weekend.
As a further note, the Counties range was well supported at the event, not only with our Club display, and David’s Atlantic Convertible, but with an A40 Somerset on the ‘Stourbridge Pre-war Car Club’ stand and a second A90 Atlantic Convertible on the ‘Enthusiasts of British Motor Vehicles Built before 1985‘ stand.

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