The Home of Austin Cars and Light Commercial Vehicles from 1939-54

Year: 2022

Christmas Post Issues and ‘County Counsel’ – Update

It seems to be the case that most of our members in the UK have now received their belated copy of the Nov/Dec issue of ‘County Counsel‘. Many thanks to those of you who have followed the prompt in the magazine to renew your membership for 2023.

There is, however, still a potential problem for our members outside the UK. As well as the delays caused by the Christmas post and the industrial action, Royal Mail has suffered a further blow, in that the systems that deal with its overseas processing have been subject to a cyber attack, leading to significant disruption to that service.

It’s not clear whether or not our overseas-bound magazines had already been processed before the attack took place, but if they weren’t there will inevitably be further delays.

Once again, apologies for the delays – the Royal Mail seems to be going through turbulent times at present. Normal service will be resumed with the January/February issue, which is already being put together.

2023 Memberships Now Available

You can now renew your 2023 club membership online. Simply go to our Membership page and follow the instructions.

The membership price has been increased a little, to £30, to cover increasing postage costs. We are still a very competitively-priced club, and we had held our previous rate at £28 for several years.

FBHVC Announces Partnership with Digital Heritage Company

The Federation of British Historic Vehicle Clubs has sent a press release announcing a partnership with heritage digitisation specialists Genus.

Details of the partnership can be viewed here .

You might also be interested to know that the club maintains an archive of every issue of ‘County Counsel’ magazine, which is fully searchable.

If you’re looking for an old article you remember from years ago, please email including your membership no. if possible and we’ll do our best to find it for you!