Members who access the archive of ‘County Counsel‘ issues online will be pleased to know that another year’s worth of magazines has now been added to the archive. You can now access all issues up to and including issue 290 (Nov/Dec 2023).
If you’re a current member and would like access to the archive, please email the editor and you will be issued a password.
The organisers of this year’s NEC ‘Practical Classics’ Restoration Show have released the code which allows us to advertise a discounted ticket offer. The code is: CCC5M375.
Members who have registered for the ‘members only’ area of the website can see the Restoration Show flyer at the top of the list of archived files, which includes the discount code. If you’re a club member and would like a password to access the ‘members only’ area please contact me .
A copy of the flyer was sent with the Nov/Dec issue of the magazine (at the time of writing (6th Jan) still delayed – but hopefully arriving this week) and a further copy will be sent with the Jan/Feb issue of ‘County Counsel’ with both the printed and email copies of the magazine, and you will shortly also be able to access the code by following the club’s official Facebook page .
You can find out more about the Practical Classics Restoration Show here
It’s that time of year again – Club membership renewals are due at the end of December.
To join or renew, simply go to our Membership Page and follow the instructions there. It’s easier for the Club if you can pay online – payment is fully encrypted and secure, and we neither see or retain any of your card details (payments are handled by Worldpay).
Membership fees have not risen, despite increasing postage posts, so membership still represents excellent value compared with many similar clubs. If you join or renew now, your membership will be valid until 31st December 2025.
If you are joining us – welcome! And if you are renewing, many thanks for your continuing and loyal support!
Well-known club member and restorer David Whyley has clinched the 2024 RAC Motoring Book of the Year Award, with his book ‘The Austin Pedal Car Story’, which details the history of the famous pedal cars produced by Austin at its specially-created factory at Bargoed in Wales.
David has this to say about the book, which was produced and published in conjunction with Austin Pedal Cars Ltd : “On Wednesday night at the RAC club in Pall Mall ‘The Austin Pedal Car Story’ was voted overall Motoring book of the year for 2024. My name joined the others engraved on the award including the late John Surtees, Damon Hill and Adrian Newey.
The RAC Motoring Book Awards are like the Motoring Oscars, and I am proud to have been awarded this overall Award. This is a great honour for me personally, and for the team at Austin Pedal Cars Ltd and Porter Press.
It is recognition of the importance of the ‘little’ Austin J40 pedal car that is now such an important and integral part of the Goodwood Revival via the Settrington Cup race”.
The Austin Pedal Car Story is still available, with an RRP of £85, from its publisher and other booksellers. Many congratulations to David on his success, which is the culmination of many years of dedicated research into the topic. You can also read the full press release from the RAC and watch a short YouTube video of the presentation.
Member Peter Harrison has kindly sent some video footage of some of our cars leaving the Makeney Hall Hotel during the Rally weekend, with some footage of them in situ at the Crich Tramway Village.
The club held its Annual Rally on Sunday 18th June at the Crich Tramway Village, preceded by a Peak District road run on Saturday 17th, which took in such attractions as The Great British Car Journey, Dave Kingerley’s Longbridge Motor Spares premises, and some very scenic roads (with some challenging gradients!) .
The weekend was greatly enjoyed by all those who attended – whether they were there throughout the weekend at the Makeney Hall Hotel, where a thoroughly enjoyable meal was held on Saturday night, or came along for the main event at Crich on Sunday.
Our thanks must go to John and Elizabeth Reed whose hard work and organisational skills made the weekend the success that it was.
A full report will appear in the next issue of ‘County Counsel’ together with a list of all the prizewinners.
The latest copy of Classic Car Weekly newspaper has some excellent coverage of our cars at the NEC Classic Car and Restoration Show on the weekend of 24th – 26th March.
Our cars and Club have 3 separate mentions in this issue alone. You can see snapshots of the articles below.
They are namely the editors snap shot choices at the show – with John Reed’s Car;
John’s Hereford featured again in the Award Winners’ Section and with a team shot;
Finally, a fantastic picture with a large write up on Dave Whyley’s A90 Atlantic on the ‘Lancaster Insurance pride of Ownership’ stand chosen by Nick Larkin and taking the main two pages.
I can see no other club in the paper getting 3 separate article of coverage as we have. So this really is a huge success for us as a Club.
Thanks to all involved and for supplying cars for the weekend.
As a further note, the Counties range was well supported at the event, not only with our Club display, and David’s Atlantic Convertible, but with an A40 Somerset on the ‘Stourbridge Pre-war Car Club’ stand and a second A90 Atlantic Convertible on the ‘Enthusiasts of British Motor Vehicles Built before 1985‘ stand.
Members can now access every copy of ‘County Counsel’ from Issue 1, back in August 1975, through to Issue 278 (Nov-Dec 2021). Further issues will be added to the archive from time to time. Members can also get an email copy of each magazine, as well as their printed copy. Please let me know if you’re not currently getting your emailed copy but would like to.
In order to gain access, members will need to be given a password to the pages containing the archive – please email me here if you’d like a password.
The link to the list of available magazines is here. You can also access it via the ‘Members Only Page’ link in the menu above.
We hope members enjoy this new facility – there’s a wealth of club history there for you to see!
A reminder to members that the the NEC ‘Practical Classics’ Classic Car and restoration and Restoration Show takes place over Friday-Sunday 24th-26th March.
A leaflet with a code allowing members to buy tickets at a discounted price was sent out with the Jan/Feb issue of ‘County Counsel’.
An added attraction this year is that Dave Whyley’s recently-restored A90 Atlantic Convertible (above) will be amongst 20 cars on the show’s prestige ‘Pride of Ownership’ stand. Attendees will be able to vote for their favourite from amongst the 20 whilst at the show.
Do come along if you can – we’d love to see you there!
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